Proposal: To no longer give anyone 24 hours to corect etheir pay and no longer ask workers to correct their hours. No longer be against policy to not track hours. If they don’t get it correct the firs time, then tough luck.Proposal:

Proposal:To no longer give anyone 24 hours to corect etheir pay and no longer ask workers to correct their hours. No longer be against policy to not track hours. If they don’t get it correct the firs time, then tough luck.
Details;Workers are no longre responsiblel for reviewing or communicating with workers who do not track their hours.
Details;It doesn’t matter to review worker hours for under tracking because it is no longer against policy to not track hours.
Details;This would substancially reduce the amoutn of work that workers would need to do to complete payroll
Details;But it could increase reconcilaition work for inccorect payrolls
?’s:Policy to spend 3-6min at end of each sessoin. Also required to estimate to get paid. 
Concerns:Agaist core value that we always track our hours. If we no longer require it and no longer have to make sure hours are tracked, then we loose all that value.
Concerns:Feel like we are spending more time on this then we actually spend asking people to track their hours.
Concerns:Remove the Policy tracking and Training experience, and then no one gets reminded to track their hours.
Concerns:Increase reconcilaiction because we would still be legally required to pay popel for the horus they work regardles if rthey make a mistake.
Ave5.916666667doesn’t pass


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