Topic 5: OPEN Discussion




we need to be orgonazed 
i think we werre doing pretty good last week
I we never gonna be successful if week work on three days per week
if we get focus, we will be fine
i dont know why people don’t sched yto do the work
if we do 99% of the work and forget 1% like taxes we go bankcrupt
I don’t know why people not doing the work
When you are assigned to do the work you do all the work that is what you have been hired to do not just what you only wanted to work for
do all work, not only some
hire someone else iif cannot do the work


I just want to say that we are improving from last time discusion 
I hope to continue being on right track to getting off paystop
mellowng a bit
hope to continue to be on the right track
getting off all pay stops
shorten the steps


It is just the same thing
can not disscuss what you have already said
my issue is just that we need to 
shorten the process
Can we just have 2 process
What are your priorites
schedule and what is your priorities and you now agree on time
You schedule and what are your priories
Agree on time
We have 6 steps
Goes up to even 18
Set up
on payroll, set up goes to 18
Before even finishing that 
Why just ont make it simpler
Make something si,mple
we make it simpler
about recruitmnet
pls dont misquote my word
we will do recruitment bec the exitsing wrokers dont assign 
why not ask workers why tey are not assigning themselves
very simple: have a meeting, deadlines too much, not gettingh pyts
before going to the recruit
have a meeting to just fix it
something we repeat every tiem
what hinders them in delivering the work
if this existing team can t do the work, then we recuit
can we fix our own problem before we go to recruiemtn


not much to say
commend everybody to keep the team miving, Jay, Lucy, Ateh, Joyce
in the issue of recruitment, I am being assigned
recruit who are ready to work
how do you recruit who are willingly to stay and work after intvw, they just disappear
1 or 2 hr full training for new ones
new workers afraid
not getting the work done and no proper trainng
maybe that s why not getting the work done


i dont know if i speak i am going to be attacked at th end of the day
bottom line- recruitment that forces to get us to pay stop
to me this doesnt make sense
Jomo to save FQN, from all the troubles going through
i dont understand why current workers suffering from 100% pay stop
whatever we say, we are humiliated, attacked
I easily get angry, i mostly keep quiet, to avoid that coz when i keep quiet, theres aproblem, if i speak, its problem
i dont know whats happening in fqn right now, it’s a chaos
I Rather keep quite than for me to speak and attack
We say the work is not getting done
so normally everywork i do i must be paid
it get me pissed off every time i don’t get paid
my neighbors thought i am making much money coz im working many hrs
Even feeding ourself not easy
Instead of saying current workers just want to get money, 
I don’t see the reason why I should leave my bed at the middle of the night but the end of the day no payment
you dont want to do the work, you just want to sit around and get paid
i am a nursing mother
if you say im just there for the money, i take break
come back
situations choke us
i am confused
i say what i have to say
i will be attcked at the end of the day, i am just waiting


will start with what Lucy said
simplication goes, that s part of the job
we could have less step
recruitmnet is not difficult
over the years i did 90% of reruitment
we ‘re not getting people
not surprising with Jomo, cmon it happens all the time
we call the Taxes session, betwen 3 of us we do not have soluiton
Ateh is very good if she follow through on thwe work
i dont know it is attack
if we need together as a team, we have to figure out the solution
Joyce stepped up 2-3 resp today
Sandra hopefully will 
I apologize 
dont know the solutions are
as a team we dont 
pay stop, money is a huge problem
something needs to chaange, needs to bring in income if we want to get paid
Bonus upfront payroll might be more complicated
Next month we shld get the bonus upfront


agree that we should keep the workers who are existing working for years now a long time
How to keep them. 
Best incentive is the pay
Not motivating
Have cuts and everyting
not doing the work
having pay stops
not effective in an organization to have pay stops
since we hae had the pay stops
deducted to our pay
admitedly I noticed that everybody is not motivated much
that is the most important incentive for everbody going to a company to work
to be paid, be paid properly
the next one
We have also feelings as a human being
sometimes when we are being talked to 
When being talked to 
Sometimes not in the mood
sometimes it hurts 
talking about myself
hurts when you talk
sometimes it is discouraging me to ask questions
Everytime will jay get angry
for me before I was so motivated
The work here is very interesting
It makes us learn
us taxes like that
so much knoweldge
these to are the things that I can see to keep workers
Even the new ones
They can see all our communications
They are discouraged if we are messy or angry or attaxck
Why don’t we take workers
So that the retention is high
take care of the workers
They will do the work


I think that was also in my mind, thank you Joyce
Joyce you said it all, can we motivate them
when people are silent, recruitment, recreuitment
WE just have to have positive vibe to the workers and then theh delier
Taes should only have the pay stop.
I can’t schedule right now. Have to see which is the nearest deadlines
Taxes shld be the only one to have pay stops
or the most sensitive things to focus
Lets get rid of the deadlines
if the next 3 mos, nothing changes then we taslk as a team
by putting 100% is that a punishment?
lets figure out, we are a team
we put External as mandatory
keep positive vibe to people
you demoralize them
i always get confused, a lot of noise
if you dont know, just say it, i will do it for you


i support last thing Lucy said
frustrating for workers
maybe a change will do
just try looking to it
encouragement to workers while doing the job


i was not present at agc main session
last 4 days my baby
its my fault im sorry, the next days i will step up how far the team will go esp the taxes
another issue: put pay stops only on Client work
then we have % cut from pay
settle our bills, and focus of work
i am realy going through a lot
i will try my best the next days
i am in fqn for long i really appreciate that day
but now i don’t know what hpappened
the Jay before
i really abstain from writing but it was so much for me. I am sorry but I have to speak
the pain was so much couples withwhat I am going through
we cant work in empty stomach
a man who is hugry cannot work
i just have to slow down and look for other things to bring money
if i know that if i work and dont get paid, 
i nead at least minimun $250 to get for the bills
let s get rid of most of these pay stops
we dont do c;lient work coz coz we have mnay pay stops


Docuemnt these issues
my request, 2 things
have specific examples
we have very detailed professional code of 
i shld be called out when i break professionaly code of conduct
how should i know?
I shouldn’t be allowed to say something that makes people fearful
what are the specifics so we can improve it
just like when you are not professional guys i call you out
me being paid $500 a month in my jurisidction
now we are running out of money
if people don’t reciprocate 
i want money for me, that s what frustrates me
we talk as a team, figure out solutions
we just literally approve most of our deadlines
we started the paystop deadlies bec of the taxs, then we did for Budget, etc.. and it’s getting donee 
im down to review but reconsider
there s no work that gets done without the deadlines
i think the deadlines working
we do the bonus payroll
i have some ideas, 
we get bonus functional now without deductions
im willing to review deadlines
like internal operations deadlines except for the budget
i have some idead how to automate the budgte
automatiucally updating the POPP
same budget every month, the changes are so minor


Don’t fear alberto
COnsider his behvaior that he needs help
Don’t know 
I don’t know why
I can not explain
Before I was so inspired
When we had these cuts and all]
I don’t know if it is correct to do
Is it a legal thing to do
Whenever I say this to anyone I know
THey say immedialy something is wrong something is not correct
Everytime we are on 100% pay stop
Sometimes be like I should have been
Why should I be here
Why not look for other work
I am thinkin glike that sometimes
I will not be away from you
Not stop working with you
Even maybe
I wll not loose connection from you
That is how I was inspried before
Just get equity
Not be away from you
For the past months
you seem to be changing
I don’t know


my issue is only you said you are going to review th e pay stops
what happens if i dont work on 100% pay stop?
i work 75% and get rest in back pay
I hate repeating things\
we need to get decision
let’s build them so when we recruit , we have strong team


Jay said we need income to pay workers
Do the client work
pls employer-employee relationship
scared what will be the reply, not really ok like that
we shuld be happy in the job
lets foxcus on the work to generate incmoe


Thank you to Jay for lsistening to us
this is step towards functionality
do our best do the work
i know if we work Mommita and thankful to Lucy putting energy
sometimes reluctant, Sanra equally stepping up
i really wish that we get on the same page, our problem hre is the money
i will tyr to prioritize the Ativity payroll and see Jay get paid
focus on client work
Sandra will be functional
proposal to pause on recruitment for now
get the team functioal and if new recruit comes to Discord, not be scared


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