Topic 3: Recruitment Set Up Critiera

Changing the Name and goal for Recumetn:
Recument ROUND
Outreach & Recruiemtn ROUND…..
Clear GOals
Clear outcomes
What do we want to acomplish from our Oureach & Recument ROund for the 173ºW Half Year (6 months)
To make a plant for the next 6 months
[] Fine the teamplate on all the voting and prioritziing our options for outreach & Recument
111ºE Recument Round Priority Voting Spreadhseet:
[] duplicate this spreadsheet, and then do NEw voting and put it into the new recument Round
Contributor / Stakeholder Types
Equity Only Workers
Paid Workers
Benefits Only. Workers
Student Interns (credit)
Decision Makers
Community Service Hours (from court)
Client Advertizing & Sales
ONLY critiera for endingn the 60% Pay stop for Recuemtn Set UP is Agreemtn by the team on our goals and required output for the Outreach & Recument ROUND
The only criteria to get out of recruitment pay stop 
Who is even taking responsiblity for Outreach & Recument????
Recruitment SET UP Process Spreadsheet – Responsibility Organizing


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