UmCUS Discussion Round

Quick Round For UmCUS Disscussion.

Point of view of the Clinet

UmCUS Disscussion:
Point of view of the ClinetClient Expectations
Worker Requirements
Mamunas a client, unbearable as a client, every mont there is less income
not doing the client work
It is actually getting unberable as a client
Every month we are getting less income
Not doing the client work
Not doing client work
We are responsible.
Client work not getting done
As a client I am a NO to more Loans
As a client no to umbcus loan
Joyce:I am the client we have being accumulating much to this laon
Been accumulating this much loan already.
I would be hesitant to continue to do an other loan.
Unless there is a plan for what you will do so that it will lessenn a bit.
Lay a plan to me, for how you should do it systematiclly.
are sure me on how to get back this money 
So there is assuarance that next month, to lessen the loan amount.
continue the work
It is clear the bonus payroll need to happen
disrespectful if workers complain abt the base upfront payroll
It is disrespectiful if workers complaint of payment and yet not getting work done
The main reason is we fail and the functionality plan need to be taken into consideration
main reason that we will fail if we continue to spend money that we don’t have
functioaity plan must be done
clear policies on back pay proposals on workers that are not doing work for existing workers
Backpay proposals need to be restricted from worker who did not work on client work
reduce client loans for backpay proposals
if we contonue more money on backpay, 
Backpay should not be higher than income
Lucyprefer not to give a loan unless there is a clear picture how you’ll get the work done
Prefer not to give a loan
clear on how we are going to learn for the next coming days
Getting work done
for client work
what will change.
clear plan on what will change for the wrok to get done so that we don’t continue to ask for loans most of the tiem.
Client Expecations;
Backpay Not hire than income – new policies and processes to prevent that
Plan to make sure client work is happening


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