Proposal: To give additional $3,000 of Team Credit for the 1*E Moon Months Buget based on the following client expecations: Proposal:

Proposal:To give additional $3,000 of Team Credit for the 1*E Moon Months Buget based on the following client expecations: 
Expections:Backpay Not higher than income – new policies and processes to prevent that
Expections:Plan to make sure client work is happening
Expections:Functinality Plan
Expections:Continue Payroll Deadlines and On-time Pay
Expections:Continue with Client Work Coordination & ALL Client Plan
Expections:Increase Pay Stop for Client Invoice
Expections:Client check ins every 2 weeks 55% Pay stop
Expections:Workers do not get upset that Base payroll is split and that Base income represents base pay, and loans are Bonsues
Expections:Organizing the total figures for the Loan ammounts
Details:1°E FQN Monthly Budget Jan/Feb 2024.xlsx
Details:Estimated Total Loaned amount of $15900 that Workers owe back to UmCUS
Details:Current Loan: $24,422new Credit:
Details:We completed the disscussion on UmCUS in point of view of Client
Details:Will need to start paying back loan, once we meet income requirments, starting at 10% of income per month
?’s:is the loan total amount correct, no we fixed it
Concerns:We have alot of loans


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